Are you a tax resident in Spain? Then you must read this post.

The due date for submitting the personal income tax return for tax residents and individuals taxed under the special expatriate regime is normally from 1st April 2020 to 30th June 2020 for the income obtained in the year 2019.

The income tax return form is sent out in April to all individuals whom are registered with the Spanish Tax Agency as liable for income tax. It is important to verify the tax information on your income tax return, and to make corrections or to submit information on taxable income that have not been included.

Increase in tax inspection

Last year the Spanish government has been to increase tax inspections. This year the Tax Agency has decided to increase control over some income such as rental income. The tax inspectors note a lot of lease income is not declared in previous tax years. And the Spanish Public Administration is sending letters to the landlords to inform them on their tax duties. Also, the Tax Administration has received information from more than 100 countries on more than 1.5 million accounts, using the international exchange system for CRS bank accounts. From Piñera del Olmo lawyers we remind you that such income, savings and / or properties can have relevance in both the Personal Income Tax and Wealth Tax.

I want to declare my taxes online, is it possible?

If you have a Spanish electronic identification you should do it. If you do not have a Spanish electronic identification, our lawyer can file the tax online on your behalf.


In addition to the personal income tax, some tax residents must pay wealth tax. If you need tax advice, please contact our lawyers.


Disclaimer: This information in this article is not definitive, for up to date legal advice which is relevant to your case please contact our lawyers.

Piñera del Olmo

Granada del Penedès 10, entlo
08006 Barcelona

Teléfono: +34 93 514 39 97

Fax: +34 93 127 07 66