Spanish citizenship for Sephardic Jews – Spanish Regulation

Piñera del Olmo Canals’ Lawyers have spent years helping with the process of obtaining Sephardic nationality by nature. Most of our clients do not know it but this process has been working for decades (previously it was included in the Spanish Civil Code), although in 2015 the proceeding changed with the new Law 12/2015, of June 24, regarding the granting of Spanish nationality to the Sephardi. We must bear in mind the current regulation for the new application, and the later Instruction and Resolution.

For the interpretation of the Law, the Instruction of September 29, 2015, of the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries, on the application of Law 12/2015, of June 24, regarding the granting of Spanish nationality to the Sephardic natives of Spain and the Resolution of the General Director of the Registries and Notaries to the questions raised by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain and by the General Council of Notaries about dispensing evidence to people over 70 years of age.

The interpretation contained in the Instruction and in the Resolution is important since the Law is quite generic and there are points that are obviously obscure or that need further development for their understanding.

Below we attach the links to the different rules:

Law 12/2015



Spanish Civil Code


The law firm Piñera del Olmo Canals can help you with paperwork, filling and submitting the fee, to apply for a certificate in the Federation …

Currently, the nationality procedure is about to end and it is especially important to prepare all documents as soon as possible to avoid the deadline.

Any questions, you can contact our lawyers:


Whatsapp: +34 675 58 14 62

Should you need further information, or legal advice, please do not hesitate to contact our lawyersYou can contact us by using the contact form, by emailing, or by telephoning +34 93 514 39 97 .

Disclaimer: This information in this article is not definitive, for up to date legal advice which is relevant for your case please contact us.

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