Cybercrimes in Spain: phishing

If you have been a victim of pshishing in Spain, we can claim the money that has been stolen from you from the bank. We have managed claims from our clients, who have recovered their money. In some cases, we can even accept the case at a percentage.

What is phishing?

It is a technique that consists of sending emails, messages or SMS requesting personal and banking information, by scammers posing as banks.

The messages usually include a link that redirects to a slow fraudulent website similar to that of the bank, requesting personal data and credentials (passwords, bank access information, ID, etc.).

Also, there are some criminals who pose as companies other than banks.

What can I do if I have been a victim of phishing in Spain?

The first thing you should do is inform your bank so that it can block the payments and provide you with new security keys.

Then you must file a complaint with the police. In the complaint you must include all the information you have (screenshots, bank receipts, emails, etc.).

Can I claim money and damages caused by a phishing attack?

What interests the clients of our law firm is not that the criminal goes to jail, but to recover the money from him. Obviously, anyone who is stolen, what he wants is to get the money back.

phising crime in Barcelona

You can complain to the criminal and we recommend that you do so, but, many times, the fraudster does not have money in Spain or even does not live in Spain.

In many cases, you can also claim the bank. You can hire this second option with our lawyers and many times we can take the case on a percentage basis, that is, we would not charge anything if you do not charge.

The option of also claiming from the bank, when possible, is the one that most of our clients choose.

Why do we claim the amount withdrawn by another person from the bank?

In some cases, the Law obliges the bank to take responsibility and return the amount of unauthorized operations.

Criminal consequences of phishing:

The penal code establishes prison sentences from 6 months to 3 years, and can reach 6 years in some cases.

Some tips to protect yourself from phishing:

DO NOT share personal information with strangers, or click on suspicious links.
Your bank will never ask you for your passwords or personal data by mail or by mobile.

If you have doubts about whether the message is real, contact your bank directly through its official channels.

Do not download attachments that may be suspicious.

Piñera del Olmo

 Aribau 114, entlo 2a
 08036 Barcelona

 Phone: +34 93 514 39 97

 Fax: +34 93 127 07 66